Many patients are asking about remote acupuncture treatments. If you are sick, do not come into the office. We will treat you remotely. Our testing is an energetic test using applied kinesiology with electromagnetic signature vials to increase focus during the acupuncture testing and treatment. This is not a medical diagnosis. This approach to testing has been used by the NAET acupuncture system for over 30 years. An acupuncture treatment for the tonification of the immune system can be targeted to help detox the body.
What are Remote Treatments?
You may have heard it called “distance healing” in other systems of alternative medicine and energy healing. You stay at home, and I treat you remotely after a phone call. We will have a conversation before your treatment. All you have to do is be open to receiving the benefits. It is an energetic approach to healing that works.
The feedback from patients who had remote treatments is the same as what patients say after in-person treatments. Most patients will notice change within the 24 hour period, regardless of whether they had an in-person or remote treatment.
Remote Treatment Protocol
- Make a remote treatment appointment online HERE if you have been seen at Bear Creek Healing Arts before.
- Make a remote treatment appointment online HERE if you are a new patient.
- If you are a new patient, your confirmation email will have instructions. You will find a basic healthcare form that you will need to fill out. Please be as detailed as possible about your symptoms.
- We will talk on the phone at your appointment prior to your treatment.
- Relax, and be in allowance to receive your treatment.
Are Remote Treatments Effective?
One of the most common questions from patients is this: Is a remote treatment as powerful and effective as an in-person treatment? The answer is yes.
How Does a Remote Treatment Work?
Energy is not impeded by distance. If you can connect with the energy, the treatment will connect and do its job. If you are a new patient whom I have not personally met, a photograph will help with that connection. A phone call prior to the treatment helps me get to know you and your health situation. Remote treatments are just as powerful as direct treatments and tend to be more broad scoped.
The remote treatment approach was refined by Dr. Devi Nambudripad and directly taught to me and a select few senior students. I’ve been treating patients remotely for many years. Dr. Devi is the origin and creator of the NAET acupuncture system. She is an acupuncturist, herbalist, kinesiologist, chiropractor, RN, PhD, MD and naturopath.
A Word About Viruses
Antibiotics do not work to treat a virus. The best way to treat any illness is a non-invasive treatment with like-energy. The NAET system of acupuncture is based on using like-energy to purge like-energy. The best way to avoid getting sick from any virus is to get treatments for chronic imbalances. If you are feeling symptoms, contact me for a remote treatment instead of an in-office visit.
Be proactive with your health. Come in for a treatment and eliminate your chronic imbalances.