Winter Season
Date/Time: Monday nights @ 5:30pm. Location TBD
Summer Season (May-September)
Date/Time: Monday night @ 5:30pm held outdoors along the river at Bear Creek Healing Arts
Please email us for more info at info@bearcreekhealing.com

DATE: Wednesday, September 18, 2024
COST: $700 per student
Early Bird Special! Sign up before September 1, receive $50 off
The Self Testing Protocol is one of the biggest break throughs in understanding our self and our root imbalances. Based on the principles of A.K. (applied kinesiology) it gives us a look into the subconscious with a much clearer picture than we had before. In today’s time A.K. was brought to our attention by Dr. George Goodheart in the late sixties, and flourished in the seventies under his student Dr. John Diamond (see Your Body Doesn’t Lie) and others. Although there is evidence of it going back to ancient China, the origin is unknown. With the understanding that all thought has energy, (see Messages from Water by Masaru Emoto) and the subconscious knows all there is to know about your own body. The Self Testing Protocol gives us an ability to ask questions and look for the root cause of our imbalance. With this clear picture we have a much better chance of eliminate the root cause and the symptoms long term.
To sign up, call 303.670.8379 or send an email to info@bearcreekhealing.com